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Advanced Diploma in Hotel and Tourism Management
(951 views) in Diploma (Diploma)
(808 views) in Medical (Medical)
(765 views) in Medical (Medical)
Apparel Technology Diploma
(957 views) in Diploma (Diploma)
Arts Teacher Diploma (ATD)
(925 views) in Diploma (Diploma)
  Acting, Dance and Drama
  Agriculture Science and Techno
    Animal Husbandry
    Fisheries Science
    Forestry and Wildlife
    Defence Studies
    Drawing and Painting
    Fine Arts
    Library Science
    Physical Education
    Police Administration
    Political Science
    Public Administration
    Religious Studies
    Social Science
    Social Work
    Soft Skills
  Civil Aviation
    Air hostess
    Commerical Pilot
    Flight Steward
    Ground Duty Officers
    Business Communication
    Business Study
    CA, CS and ICWA
    Income Tax
    Operational Research
    Stock Broking
    Computer Hardware
    Computer Software
    Programming Languages
Aeronautical Engineering
(753 views) in Bachelors of Technology (Engineering)
Aerospace Engineering
(796 views) in Bachelors of Technology (Engineering)
Agricultural Engineering
(789 views) in Bachelors of Technology (Engineering)
Architecture Engineering
(786 views) in Bachelors of Technology (Engineering)
Automobile Engineering
(783 views) in Bachelors of Technology (Engineering)
(738 views) in Bachelors of Technology (Engineering)
    Aeronautical Engineering
    Agricultural Engineering
    Architecture Engineering
    Automobile Engineering
    Biochemical Engineering
    Biomedical Engineering
    Ceramic Technology
    Chemical Engineering
    Civil Engineering
    Computer Engineering
    Electrical Engineering
    Electronics and Communication
    Electronics Engineering
    Energy Engineering
    Environmental Engineering
    Genetic Engineering
    Heat Technology
    Industrial Engineering
    Instrumentation Engineering
    Leather Technology
    Manufacturing Engineering
    Marine Engineering
    Material Science and Engineeri
    Mechanical Engineering
    Metallurgical Engineering
    Mining Engineering
    Petrochemical Engineering
    Petroleum Engineering
    Plastic Technology
    Polymer Engineering
    Power Electronics
    Power System Engineering
    Printing Technology
    Production Engineering
    Robotics Engineering
    Rubber Technology
    Software Engineering
    Space Technology
    Structural Engineering
    Textile Engineering
    Thermal Engineering
    VLSI Design
    Water Resources Engineering
  Fashion and Interior Designing
    Fashion Designing
    Fashion Technology
    Footwear Technology
    Interior Designing
    Jewellery Design
    Textile Design
    Visual Merchandising
  Hospitality and Tourism
    Travel and Tourism
  Information Technology
    Computer Applications
    Data Base Administration
    Embedded Systems
    Graphics Designing
    Web Designing
    Web Development
    Administrative Law
    Child Labour Law
    Civil Law
    Constitutional Law
    Consumer Law
    Corporate Law
    Criminal Law
    Cyber Law
    Finanical Law
    Human Rights
    Mechantile Law
Agribusiness Management
(840 views) in Management (Management)
Airlines and Airport Management
(834 views) in Management (Management)
Aviation Management
(827 views) in Management (Management)
Bank Management
(852 views) in Management (Management)
Brand Management
(848 views) in Management (Management)
Business Administration Management
(843 views) in Management (Management)
    Agriculture Management
    Biotech Management
    Business Management
    Cooperative Management
    Dairy Technology and Managemen
    Energy trading
    Environmental Management
    Event Management
    Export Management
    Financial Management
    Financial Services Management
    Foreign Trade
    Hospital and Health Care Manag
    Hospitality Management
    Hotel Management
    Human Resource Management
    Industrial Management
    Information technology Managem
    Infrastructure Management
    International Business
    Logistic and Supply Chain Mana
    Media and Event Management
    Modern Office Management
    Oil and Gas Management
    Operations Management
    Personnel Management
    Pharmaceutical Management
    Retail Management
    Rural Development and Manageme
    Rural Management
    Sales and Marketing Management
    Tea Management
    Textile Management
  Mass Communications
    Public Relations
    Medical Lab Technologist
    Nutrition and Dietics
    Occupational Therapy
    Speech Therapy
  Multimedia, Animation and Gami
    Animation and Multimedia
  Radio, TV and Film Production
    Film and TV
    News Reading
    Radio Jockeying
    Sound Recording and Editing
    Video Jockeying
    Video Recording and Editing
    Actuarial Science
    Aqua Science
    Computer Science
    Environmental Science
    Food Processing
    Food Technology
    Forensic Science
    Home Science
    Molecular Biology
    Plant Pathology
    Veterinary Science
  Yoga and Naturopathy
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